Sunday, 13 May 2012

Change eth1 back to eth0

Change network device name from eth1 back to eth0

            The interface name of a network device increases if the mac address of the physical or virtual network card changes. A common case is if you made a clone of a virtual machine for example via VMware or KVM or replaced a physical network card in a non virtualized server.

            If it’s a CentOS 6 machine we need to change 2 files to rename the interface for example from eth1 back to eth0.

            One file “70-persistent-net.rules” is the udev rule for network devices which is located in “/etc/udev/rules.d” directory.

# vim /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules                      (Edit this file)

            Copy the new mac address to the line of our eth0 rule and delete the new rule for eth1.

# PCI device 0x15ad:0x07b0 (vmxnet3)
SUBSYSTEM==”net”, ACTION==”add”, DRIVERS==”?*”, ATTR{address}==”00:50:56:b2:23:e0″, ATTR{type}==”1″, KERNEL==”eth*”, NAME=”eth0″

            Modify the network configuration located under “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0”,  and replace the old IP with the new one and the old mac address with the new mac address.

# vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

             To be sure everything works fine reboot the machine.
# init 6

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